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Dunclug Primary School, Ballymena

Home Learning Packs

20th Apr 2020

A strange day for us all, on what would have been the first day of the Summer Term. We miss you all! We hope that you had a safe and fun Easter break and had the opportunity to enjoy the great weather.

Parents and Carers - it is great to see the brilliant home learning going on. Even during the Easter Break the teachers were impressed by the number of pupils learning through our online programmes such as Mathletics and Bug Club reading!!

On Friday, the school will be open for parents to collect new learning packs to help with home learning over the next few weeks. We have also included a few treats for the kids!

If you haven't finished the packs from before Easter that is ok!! There's absolutely no pressure to complete everything.

If you live in the area and can walk to collect your packs on Friday that would be great. Social distancing measures will be in place. P1- P4 parents should aim to collect packs between 9 and 11am. P5-P7 parents/carers should aim for between 11 and 1pm. If you have more than one child at the school then attend at the time for your eldest child.

If you don't live in the area, Mr B will make arrangements to deliver your child's pack.

Many thanks.