Access Keys:

Dunclug Primary School, Ballymena

Learning Support Class

We are really looking forward to seeing our new Primary 1 and Primary 2 children again. 

Please bring :

  • a small break time snack and drink
  • PE slippers with Velcro fastening
  • a small hand sanitiser (optional) 

We will provide each child with their own pencils, crayons and colouring pencils which will stay in school at their own desk.

Looking forward to seeing you all!

Mrs Solomon



Releasing Our Butterflies


P1 really loved watching our caterpillars turn into beautiful butterflies. 🐛Today we got to release them into our school garden, some of us even got to hold them before they flew away! 🦋
We also got to enjoy a lovely picnic in the sunshine ☀️


Recycling Workshop


We really enjoyed our ‘Recycling Workshop’. 😊 We got to see lots of items made out of recycled materials and plant some cress seeds in a pot made from newspaper 🌱


School Garden


We had lots of fun planting carrots and beetroot. We can’t wait to taste them when they’ve grown 🥕


Planting Cress Seeds


Today we learnt about the life cycle of a flower by reading ‘Sam Plants a Sunflower’ 🌻 We then planted some cress seeds, we can’t wait to watch them grow! 🌱




Today the P1s got to meet our new caterpillar friends as part of our Spring/Farm topic! We are excited to watch them grow and eventually turn into beautiful butterflies. We will then release them into our school garden! 🐛🦋


P1 Play