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Dunclug Primary School, Ballymena

Primary 5

A very warm welcome to the P5 Class Page!  Thank you for taking the time to browse through our page.

We hope you enjoy reading about our amazing learning and looking at the lovely pictures that show off life in P5 at Dunclug Primary School.



Numeracy Learning in P5

In P5 we enjoy using different strategies and methods to help us with our learning in Numeracy.  This includes using visual aids, practical resources, real life objects, interactive whiteboard, online resources, outdoor play and learning, mental maths games, paired activities etc! Check out the pictures below to see the amazing ways we learn and progress.  

Numeracy Learning in P5 Pictures



Getting Creative!

We are very creative here in P5.  We had a random blob on a page and we had to use our Green Thinking Hat to turn that blob into a picture.  We then discussed our finished pieces to the class answering questions from others along the way.  We are blown away by the imagination in the class!  See the pictures below.

Getting Creative Pictures


Literacy Time

As part of our Term 1 topic on, 'The Egyptians,' we read the story, 'The Egyptian Cinderella.'

We completed many activities and tasks around this book including a before reading novel study, made predictions, completed a PMI on the story using our Thinking Hats and a compare and contrast task.  We compared this version to the original Cinderella.  We thought about main characters, settings, unkind characters, story endings etc.  Check out our learning below!

Literacy Time Pictures


Year 5 music lessons



PE days for P5 will be on Tuesdays.  Please make sure to bring in P.E shoes or trainers.


Term 2 Topic

Our topic for Term 2 is on, 'The Rainforest'.  We will be learning about the layers of the Rainforest, animals, insects, medicines and locate Rainforests across the world.  We will be exploring and investigating pictures, PowerPoints, books, websites, videos to help us learn important facts on our topic.  We will also be using Microsoft software to create reports and posters, creating a wide range of art pieces inspired by the Rainforest including weaving, collages, watercolour and junk art.  We will also use our knowledge in many writing activities as well as extending our learning across other areas of the curriculum including Numeracy, PDMU and Music.  Keep an eye out for amazing pictures and updates throughout Term 2!

Learning all about the Rainforest



We have been learning all about weaving here in P5.  We studied the history of weaving, weaving across the world and things that are woven.  We completed some paper weaving to introduce ourselves to the technique and then progressed onto using a hand held loom using yarn and fabric to create some wonderful wall hangings.

We also read the story, 'The Goat in the Rug' to follow the goat Geraldine through the process of Navajo weaving.  this story introduce us to the the vocabulary and language around weaving as well as showing us the lengthy and detail effort that goes into Navajo weaving.

Check out the pictures below!

Weaving Pictures


Mind Reading Numeracy Task

We have been studying 2D shapes and their properties in detail here in P5.  To consolidate our learning we worked together in pairs.  One of us had secret 2D shape patterns and we had to describe the patterns using a range of mathematical language around position and properties of 2D shapes to our partner and they had to listen carefully and follow instructions in order to draw the 2D shape pattern without naming the shape.  We extended our learning and took advantage of the snow that day and described and instructed some more 2D shape patterns out in the snow using paint brushes.  We had a fantastic day of learning!

Mind Reading Task Pictures


Christmas Craft in P5

We are feeling very festive here in P5 so decided to create a curled Christmas Tree using paper, wool and paint.  We watched a video first and then, as a class, devised step by step instructions on the board for us to follow.  It was a lot of fun wrapping strips of paper around our pencils!  Check out below our amazing finished pieces.  

Christmas Tree Craft Pictures